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Does Homework Help?

There are a lot of different types of homework. Some teachers give assignments that are ‘rote’ assignments. You repeat an idea, word or concept over and over again. This might mean writing ten sentences using the verb to be or doing ten math calculations using the same formula. Critics of homework say that this work has no real learning value. Other kinds of homework include reading, writing papers or studying for tests.

Some of these types of homework assignments may indeed help you get a better grade or get a better test score. That would mean your academic achievement is higher. But are you really learning more? Some educators encourage homework that is more creative and emphasizes understanding. If you are studying Japan, for example, you might be asked to create a costumed doll or do a report on Buddhism or research food in Japan.

Is Homework Fair?

Etta Briggs from a college in California says there is no proof that homework makes you do better in school. She believes that homework is unfair.

Why? Some children have well-educated parents and lots of books and resources, including a computer, at home. They have their own room and a quiet place to study. Other children have poorly-educated parents. They have to share a room with a sister or a brother. They have no place to study, and no resources at home. They may even have a job. Etta Briggs thinks homework increases social inequality and flies in the face of the American ideal of equal educational opportunity.

Some students say that homework is good because it means they spend time with their parents. Some educators found that students who were low achievers and did very little homework had less educated parents.

Etta Briggs and other educators believe that the pupils should have time for independent work, like doing exercises, researching, writing papers and studying for exams, during the school day. What do you think?

  1. Answer the questions about Text 2.

  1. Why did the commission decide to increase the amount of home work?

  2. What are the two main issues the educators disagree on?

  3. Why does Etta Briggs think that homework is unfair?

  4. Is there any connection between low achievers and less educated parents?

  5. Which assignments can be called ‘rote’?

  6. Can you suggest any types of creative homework (you may use such verbs and expressions, as: write, compare, describe, find some differences, speak about the similarities, make up a dialogue, etc.)?

10. Translate these expressions from Ukrainian into English and make up sentences with them:

відповідати стандартам, освіта забезпечується, вищий навчальний заклад, аспірантура, позакласні заходи, школа з правовим нахилом, технічний ліцей, обов’язкові та факультативні курси, дітей навчають, менша кількість уроків.

11. Describe the system of education of Ukraine.

12. Match the words with the definitions.

lateness being kept in school after class

truancy permanent removal from school

low standards temporary removal from school

indiscipline repeated absence from school

detention arriving late for class

suspension rudeness or violence from pupils

expulsion teaching period for a small group of learners

tutorial poor class and exam results

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